Exploration: UI/UX Design of “Last Wish” Feature in Bank Jago (Indonesian Digital Bank)

Cakra Bhirawa
18 min readOct 22, 2021


Could we make it easier to plan retirement, protection, and “last wishes” for young people earlier in life? Here’s a mockup of Jago Last Wish, a personalized life insurance designed just for you.

DISCLAIMER: This project is part of the UI/UX Training Program held by the Ministry of Communication and Information with Skilvul and Bank Jago as Challenge Partners. I am not employed or bound by a professional contract by Bank Jago.

For some of us, graduation is a time of excitement, recognition, and trepidation. My graduation made me realize that the world is a large place and that I need to compete again with many graduates and professionals in Indonesia and even abroad. I wanted to expand my skills outside of my major and try to hone them even further, so I began studying project management, game design, and UI/UX.

Digital Talent Scholarship (kominfo.go.id), a workshop program for Indonesian citizen that wanted to enter the IT/Creative Industry.

Since I have no experience with UI/UX, I mostly rely on my “gut feeling” when determining whether the design is attractive and intuitive for users. Nevertheless, I wanted to learn more about UI/UX professionally and formally, so I went ahead and applied for the Digital Talent Scholarship Professional Academy — UI/UX Design program through the Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

Acceptance email for UI/UX Design class in Digital Talent Scholarship

By the end of August 2021, I was surprised and delighted to find out I had been selected to receive the scholarship and couldn’t stop thinking about what kind of project I would undertake and what lessons I would learn. For the next two-three months, I will be able to choose from a variety of challenges offered by the program. Among all the companies participating, I’m unsure which challenge to choose.

A variety of challenges that I can pick to explore :)

After much thought, I ultimately chose Bank Jago since I love digital banking and would like to design a feature that will make banking easier. Additionally, the Bank Jago challenge presents an interesting opportunity because I have to develop a new feature in the insurance field, where Bank Jago currently does not offer the feature.

Now that you know the backstory, you’re here to see my process on how to create a UX/UI for Bank Jago, right? Ok, let’s jump right in!

📱 Brief Information About Bank Jago and Challenge

Bank Jago video commercial (Indonesian)

Bank Jago is a new competitor in the Indonesia “digital banking” sector, Jago itself was called Bank Artos Indonesia before rebranding itself to Jago. The bank pride itself with a tagline of “Semua jadi Jago” (Everyone become “Jago”/Great).

Bank Jago application

Bank Jago has challenge me to create a new feature for the app which is called “Last Wish”. The feature itself is a personalize insurance for the user, in which they can customize what they dream of as their last wish, either the user want to give a inheritance to their family or even to create a specific wishes like going to the moon!

In this challenge, I’m collaborating with my friends; Panji and Yayan in team 5.

Role: UX Writer & Researcher
Scope: User research, feature copywriting, competitor analysis, wireframing, mockup, prototyping.
Timeline: 8 weeks
Tools: Figma, Google Docs, Spreadsheet, slides

As this is a challenge from Bank Jago then I can consider Bank Jago itself as a client who’s currently using my team to design a new feature.

Let’s see what’s Bank Jago expect from the our team in the challenge for the feature in “Last Wish”:

A nice to have feature to be considered during the design process.

Is there any other consideration that Bank Jago wanted? Yes, of course, Bank Jago wanted to target these kind of people if possible.

Expected user who will use the new feature of Last Wish

After knowing what Bank Jago want for it’s new feature, our team started to design the app from our understanding of what is Bank Jago, it’s application, and insurance as a base for our first steps.

Before I started to introduce to the way I design this feature, firstly I needed to recap all the information from the challenge and what I understand from the points mentioned.

🔔 Key Summary of Challenge

Problem Statement

There’s a lot of insurance that’s detailed toward what most users want, but Bank Jago wanted to create insurance that focused on “supporting users lifestyle and helping them achieve their life goals”. The feature isn’t just an ordinary financial product, but a product that will help the user along the way.

Business Objectives

  • To create personalized insurance that will help and support the user.
  • To ease the creation of insurance and make it much more inclined to young people.
  • To encourage a healthy lifestyle along the way for the user.

User Objectives

  • To create a protective/personalized insurance for their future.
  • To save their money each occurrence (daily, monthly, yearly).

💡 Design Process

After knowing and summarize the information given by Bank Jago itself, we started our online workshop class. During the early week of our challenge, I was introduced to Design thinking, which is a development style that focuses on human-centered design and creating a solution based on user problems. But at this early moment, we’re assuming what the user needs based on our experiences in applying for insurance in Indonesia. Thus we’re empathizing from our experiences and then defining our issue to then ideate a solution that will help the user later on.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

The first process of this takes around 8 hours during the online class and outside the class. In which we iterate and reflect again on what is our solution and idea to get a good insight on what our perspective users will feel.

Empathize 🤕

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Before starting to design or even create a solution, I started to reflect on myself. What was my previous problem on why didn’t I create insurance?

  • Too much paperwork and a contract agreement that’s long.
  • Mostly it was encouraged and promoted by the bank staff rather than my own will.
  • A scope of protection that’s sometimes isn’t what I needed.

Those are the issues that were previously and currently facing me when creating new insurance. After talking about it with my friends, we also feel somewhat in the same way, especially in the paperwork and contract. Because we feel there’s too much information that’s hard to digest either from the wording to the benefit that we will gain in the future.

Define 🧐

After knowing more about our personal problem and dilemma when creating insurance, we started to write it up and try to state all the information that we’ve discussed before into a pain point:

  • There’s a lot of “terms and conditions” behind the contract of an insurance
  • Not all people realize about life insurance
  • Life insurance isn’t what people prioritize in their 20–30s.
Defining what is the issue and how might we help it (Indonesian)

From those pain points, we’re again asking ourselves how might we solve the pain points that people are encountering right now? Then we started to put all the questions that we might ask to solve the issue on our own. After elaborating our thought we’ve found 7 questions that we might ask to ourself again. From that questions, we then continue to vote on which questions that we should focus on to create a solution first in this early stage of designing, after a quick vote we’ve decided on 2 major questions:

  • How might we create a term and condition that’s easier to digest?
  • How might we create a simple term and condition in a non-text form (such as animation, comics, video, etc)?

Ideate 🤓

Then after knowing what’s the major question that we’re going to give a solution to about it, we started to brainstorm our minds again to come up with many wacky, exciting, and solid ideas that might help the people that we’re emphasizing. Some of that solution is:

  • Creating a progress bar or insight regarding our payment of the insurance.
  • Creating a reward for each successful interaction within the application.
  • Creating a transparent and clear insurance product.
We group our solution into specific solution (Indonesian)

Each of those solutions then will be grouped to a specific solution in the form of an affinity diagram such as commitment management, gamification, automation, monthly payment, and simplification. To our surprise, most of our solutions are toward the gamification aspect of insurance. And yes we’re also feeling it because there’s not much insurance that offers gamification in their application (if they have also), as most of the insurance only provides a contract and the amount of payment needs to be paid.

Next, all of those solutions need to be grouped again into a prioritization matrix based on the user value and effort that’s needed for us to develop into reality. After a lot of consideration, we’re going to focus more on automation, simplification, and commitment management. As we’re putting a lot of those aspects in the “Yes, Do It, Now” section in which those are the solutions that we’re going to design first. Out of those solutions in the section, we needed to vote again on what solution we’re going to dig deeper into. At last, we’ve found our answer on what to design which is:

  • Creating an interesting user interface for the terms and conditions.
  • Displaying accurate information about claiming the insurance.
We started to focus on what should we do based of our discussion (Indonesian)

Finally! After a long brainstorming and discussion, we’ve reached a solution that we need to focus on. So the next steps for us is to create a mockup from a paper using the Crazy 8 Methodology (due to a time limitation). At this point, I realize that I wanted to create a design that’s not far from the original design of Bank Jago, but more toward mixing the design that Bank Jago had with other fintech.

What I have come up with is focused on square/card and minimalism, as I believe a square/card-like design is easier to navigate and use. More than the easiness of using the application, these designs insisted that the designer and developer to put less information and more toward the insight for that specific information such as only displaying the total of insurance that I have to the claim amount that I can claim.

My first try on Crazy 8 design creation XD

First Result🥳

Fyuh… It was a long discussion over 2 hours in the online class we discussed and shared our thoughts, but the road isn’t over just yet! Because after class we needed to elaborate and discuss more about this as we have a lot of stuff that’s still stuck in our minds. For over 6 more hours on the same day and the next day, we’ve finalized our design thinking method and finalized on what we’re going to design in the next steps.

You can get a glimpse on what have I created with my friends during the process in the Figma link below :D

Design thinking method (Indonesian)

🧪 Exploring and Standardizing

During the process, I often discuss with my friends about the design that we will create, but it will always end with no resolution. Thus I believe that we needed a standard and a key reference on what we are designing it for. Hence we needed a “User Persona”, an imaginary people that we can relate to on what to design the feature.

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Rewinding the design process all over again, I picked one of the people that I know who fit the criteria of Bank Jago’s expectation and interviewed 3 people who are willing to elaborate their thoughts with me along the way. Some of the questions that I asked them were open-ended questions, in which I just wanted to dig deeper into their thoughts about a specific topics.

  • Are you afraid of the uncertainty that will come? So far how have you prepared for that uncertainty?
  • What do you know about life insurance? Do you feel the need to spend money on this?
  • How do you think about your future in the next 5–10 years?
  • How do you divide your time in the day? Especially on weekends
    When you are given time to work or rest, what do you prefer?
  • How do you feel when you see an unexpected bill?

From the interview, I have come up with a user persona to match what have I heard and learned from the interviewee.

Jago Last Wish user persona

✨ Here’s My Idea!

It was an interesting discussion with more than 1 hour of interviews and chit-chat, but from that, I can become more related to the user that we’re going to design a solution for it. Because I was researching the user directly, thus I was started to get a glimpse and know how what’s the user is feeling about insurance. Hence to further answer the user pain points, I also started to give another ideation based on the research that I gathered. I started to do qualitative research focusing more on the current insurance flow, application, and internet discussion. Below are the slides that I have come up with (it’s in Indonesian but I will try to sum up the information).

My Jago Last Wish concept (Indonesian)

Based on the research that I have conducted I can pinpoint some of the issues :

  • Not all Indonesians have insurance, even the young productive people, as it’s mostly because of their lack of information about life insurances.
  • The current flow of life insurance sometimes is quite hard and tricky, hence it’s more preferable to choose another insurance.
  • There’s a difference between unmarried people and married people, especially in whom they’re willing to protect.
  • Most of the applications of the current insurance won’t show any information needed for the user to comprehend.

So what we can come up with is giving them 3 choices that can be customized and personalized on what their needs:

  • Digital last will, a digital form of a mail, video, and audio for the user to record and to give to their family in the future.
  • Will saver, an insurance form of a dream that the user wanted and can be given to their family in the future.
  • Financial protection, a classic life insurance in which the Bank will give a specific amount of money to their family in the future.

But aside from the solution that I can give, I also need a justification on what side of the business this can impact especially on the first 2 item which is quite new in the insurance fields. So what I can propose is this Last Wish can benefit Bank Jago in 3 ways

  • Last Wish as life and asset insurance. In this way, Bank Jago can manage a lot more funds because the insurances cover a lot of aspects.
  • Last Wish as Unique Feature. In this way, Bank Jago can pride itself on and encourage new users to register in Bank Jago and become their loyal users until the end.
  • Last Wish as a Final Will. in this way Bank Jago can earn a much more diverse user because they have a future user that will join Bank Jago.

🎭 Exploring Possibilities

Fyuuhh… Again, let’s take a breath for a while, there’s too much information 😂. Okay, after gaining a lot’s more insight and coming up with an idea on what kind of feature is Jago Last Wish will be, I started to discuss again with my teams by pitching up the idea.

Photo by Melinda Gimpel on Unsplash

After pitching it up to them, most of them were quite surprised, especially about making a digital will, because they never thought to give anything other than money to their family. Luckily, our team has supported some of the ideas and further explored them to suit our current condition and progress, thus the standardization of solutions and design was created.

Creating User Flow 🤓

Then after listening to the pitch, we started to discuss how do the user will progress along the way when using the application with a User Flow, which is a flow-on what action will the user do along the way. Here’s a sample of the first user flow that we’re focusing on which is the flow where the user will create a new account here in Jago Last Wish.

Basic user flow for a new user to register an account in Jago Last Wish (Indonesian)

Another discussion came again when designing the user flow, where we were confused whether to put the homepage of Jago Last Wish first after registration or to redirect the user to register at least 1 Last Wish before going to the homepage. We couldn’t decide which flow worked the best, so we concluded that we needed to create a separate wireframe and then later on we can present again the information.

Wireframing 😏

For me I pick where the user will be redirected to create at least 1 Last Wish, so they’re encouraged to at least open 1 Last Wish, as the purpose of the feature is to help the user get used to a healthy lifestyle along the way. During the process, the user can also adjust what they want it accordingly so creating at least 1 Wish should be conveniences enough at first.

But after I ask again because this Last Wish will also Bind to the contract they wanted to furthermore research before putting their wish here as their insurance.

Wireframing the user flow for user first time registration

Further on I decided to create an option in the early stage of registration which will ask whether the user is going to be an insured or a payer (you can see on the design that final high fidelity design below after the style guide).

The fun thing’s during this wireframing process most of the ideation from my crazy 8 wasn’t being implemented, and it really made me realize that during that time I should really explore deeper and create a wackier design because a lot of ideation will not be a final wireframe (maybe next time I will try 🤔)

Style Guide 🤤

Before we finalize our wireframe into a real design, we then create a style guide to use during all processes of the design from the color to the button that the user will interact with.

To be honest, previously I never thought to do something like this because I prefer to do it immediately in the design rather than to use it as an asset. But during the process, I learn that this style really will ease my workflow to design the final product.

Some of our style guide for the text field (Indonesian)

During the style guide process, one of the things that we struggle a lot is either to suit the current Bank Jago style or to explore with our own design. But we ended up with a mix of both two.

Concept 😎

Finally, after a long week (almost 2–4 weeks we’ve been discussing and designing the product), I’ve got a sample to discuss more with my team. In which I present the idea and flow of my design and get feedback from my teammates, and vice versa when I see my teammate’s design.

My design focused on the flow where the user will pick their role firstly in the Jago Last Wish and then the application will help them direct accordingly.

Finalize concept where the user will create at least 1 Last Wish first before going to homepage (Indonesian)

For example, if the user picks to be a payer, then by default the one who will be insured is the payer as well, thus the application will ask a couple of trivia to generate a classification of what class the user will receive a benefit.

In the future, the user can increase their benefit if they participate in the game and challenge that Jago Last Wish provides weekly, monthly, and yearly. So imagine that you’re also playing a game to achieve a new goal each day ~

After the classification, the payer needs to pick whether they want a legacy or inspiration package. For your information:

  • Legacy is a package for users who want financial protection as their insurance.
  • Inspiration is a package for users who want to create a digital will as their insurance.

Continuing on, after they pick their package, they will be offered 5 options, of which 4 of them are Jago recommendations based on user habits and current trends, but the last option gives the user to customize in-depth on what they want to insure.

Finally, they’re given a personalization page where they will further customize the package name to add additional insurances. After finishing it they will be asked what kind of payment they wanted? Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? All of it is an option and they will be asked again whether to pay automatically or always reminded. Lastly, the user will be greeted by a thank you page and redirected to a homepage😊.

💎 Finalizing Concept

Although it was sad that my design wasn’t going to be used as the final concept, but by discussing with my teammates, I gather a lot of new knowledge and views regarding what do they think when registering a new account. We concluded to use the redirection to the homepage after registering an account.

The last step is to animate the concept so that the design will be used to be used by the user during the user test interview.

Finalize Jago Last Wish homepage interaction (Indonesian)

Experience Our Design Pitch🤹‍♂️

Moving on we started to gather again the interviewees either from the previous interview and a new one. We managed to interview 4 people who are willing to spend their time to give feedback on our design.

During this session, we’re also asking open-ended questions to gather what they feel and expect from the app. Some of the questions are being repeated to gather additional data again. Here’s some of the question.

  • When can you insure yourself or insure your desires, what do you want? If yes, why and what benefits do you want. If not, why and what do you not want?
  • How do you view investing today?

After having a brief interview, we continue to ask the interviewee to use the app without our guidance, and try to see what they click first, why do they do that, and how are their experiences.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

All of the answers that we manage to get from the user are documented so that we can iterate the design and further suit based on the target user we’re expecting. The feedback from the user was surprisingly great and very insightful, some of the relevant feedback that we gather is:

  • It’s much more useful to put an insurance calculator on the first page when creating an account so that they know the benefit of insurance.
  • They wanted more options of payment rather than only debit and credit.

Sadly from our interview, most of the interviewees still consider whether to create or insurance or not because they thought insurance was still a hard choice as the benefit will only affect them in the future.

You can also interact with our first design below 😁

First Jago Last Wish design iteration (Indonesian)

What do you think about this? I’d love to hear from you in the comment section 🤩

🏆 Conclusion: First Major Design Effort and It Was Exciting!

After a long session finally, I’ve almost reached our end goal within 2 months. Together, we’ve created a new design feature for Bank Jago focusing on the insurance aspect. The journey wasn’t as smooth as I thought but I learned a lot from teamwork to research practice. Sometimes interacting with interviewees isn’t only just asking but having a casual conversation as well because we’re going to know the user’s personality as well.

Greetings from UI/UX Class 24 (I hope you can find me XD)

To recap as well, did we successfully answer what Bank Jago needed for their new feature?

Not quite, but almost

  • We haven’t fully solve the problem, since we’re focusing more toward the simplifying the process to apply for a life insurances.
  • We have solve some of the business objectives especially on the creation and personalization of the insurances that the user wanted.
  • We almost have solve the user objectives to personalize their insurances and also save their money, but sadly the user still isn’t willing to get into the insurances world even when the process has been simplified.

But none the less, it was a great experience and I wanted to continue creating a design from scratch and further explore what can I do to help the user enjoy the application. And also I wanted to express my thanks for Ridzki to be our mentor here and giving a really valuable feedback to finalizing our design.

So what’s my next steps about this exploration? The sure answer would be “Iterate more”, but since this is a challenge and there’s a time limit as it’s, I wanted to stay this way. Why? Because I want to see the future me create a newer design with a different methodology and I can reflect back on the process what have I done previously. Don’t forget to follow me as well if you’re interested in this design process in the future ~

Bonus 🛒

Feel free to see our design result in Figma below, you can see some of the leftover from our discussion and also the design as well :)

Figma result (Indonesian)

Thank you for reading my UI/UX Case Study Exploration, see you in the next articles 🙋‍♂️

Written by Cakra Bhirawa | The Writer is a Computer Engineering Undergraduate and this article is intended to express the writer thinking and design creation for the Bank Jago Last Wish UI/UX case study.



Cakra Bhirawa

An ordinary person who loves Japanese pop culture and game. You may also visit my website at https://tjakrabirawa.com/